Voice and Vision

One Woman's WORDS AND WORKS •grapple •inspire •liberate

156: Easter: Beyond Rabbits and Eggs

This week I read the Easter story–the real Easter story. You know the one about Christ Jesus being betrayed by Judas, then taken to Pilate, accused, nailed to a cross, crucified, laid in a tomb, then after 3 days, resurrected. It is an amazing story. One that has influenced the world for centuries.

The part that hit me this time as I read it was Jesus’ saying from the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” For a moment he seemed to have lost faith in His Father.

I thought of the hostages who have spent 170-some days captive underground in Gaza, and of those above ground, starving, who have suffered for decades under unjust treatment. I thought of women, children, and soldiers in Ukraine fighting to survive a stupid war. I thought of the mistreated girls and women harvesting sugar cane in India so Westerners can have Coke and Pepsi. I thought of young boys in poverty who are sold by their families to work cocoa fields in the deforested Ivory Coast so Nestles and Hersheys can provide chocolate (yes, even chocolate Easter bunnies) to those of us in comfy homes. I thought of immigrants fleeing to the U.S. border to avoid terrorists in their own land, only to be tangled in wire and locked up because we’ve not managed to create an immigration plan. I’ve thought about the poor dogs chained and beaten instead of loved. I’ve thought about the beautiful wild animals hunted by egotists who want to hang beings on their walls. I’ve thought about the fish, seals, and other sea creatures caught in plastic trash, trapped in polluted oceans. I’ve thought of people unable to find a home due to rising rents. I’ve thought of people homeless, hurting, lost, lonely.

How many call out, as Jesus did:  “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Perhaps Jesus’ human agony made him doubt God’s care for a split-second, but how truly he knew His Father would not forsake him, as the days that followed proved. His resurrection, coming back to life after death, seeing Mary Magdalene, sharing a morning meal with his disciples, speaking to his followers to “Go into all the world ” preaching, teaching, healing–this assured Jesus God had not forsaken him.

Nor has God forsaken any of us.

We can answer mankind’s call. We can help, donate, rescue, adopt, clean up, join, care, pray, love–whatever it takes. I think that’s what Christ Jesus taught us to do. And in so doing, we, too, come back to life.

Birds of a Feather 8" x 8" framed oil, $195 by Gwendolyn Evans

Birds of a Feather 8″ x 8″ framed oil, $195 by Gwendolyn Evans

ArtworkBirds of a Feather 8″ x 8″ framed oil, $195. This is one of my new small pieces, inspired by the seagulls that surround our ocean landscape.

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