Voice and Vision

One Woman's WORDS AND WORKS •grapple •inspire •liberate

A Scary Time

Thursday many of us watched a debate between a felon’s out-pouring of lies and a feeble old man’s inability to function.  The screen scene suggested democracy as we’ve known it is no longer in our grasp. It would seem we are in a frightening quandary.

But are we?

I turned to where I often go in dire circumstances and read that “with God nothing is impossible”. . .  .”if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.”

Do you know how tiny a grain of mustard seed is? In junior high I had a bracelet with a clear charm encapsulating a single mustard seed grain. I have no recall as to where or why it came into my possession. But even then the tiny seed reminded me of the purpose and power of faith.

Faith means we can’t fall to fear. Remembering that love casts out fear, we have only one thing to do under frightening circumstances–whether in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, or home–and that is to love.

We can always love more. Love everyone and every bit of good–no matter what or where. Love, love, love, be nothing but love (as I once read).

May I relate to you an experience I had in learning to love more? I was in Italy, traveling and painting abroad for 4 months with a group of college students, when I came down with severe stomach pains for several days, so intense I was incapacitated. For hours, I laid on my hotel bed trying to pray, to go beyond the fear and suffering. Finally I said outloud to myself and God: “God, I do love you and I am doing my best to love You, and all that’s good, now, but this terrible pain is not letting up–why? As if a loud voice, the answer came to me “Love MORE!” The clarity of this answer to my problem was crystal clear. I needed to love MORE. To Love God, love my fellow beings, beauty, truth, and goodness and life itself. MORE! A humble sense of living love beyond what I thought sufficient was required. Instantly I began to think of ways to be more loving, to feel that divine presence that enables one to express a more Christly love. Instantly, too, all stomach pain subsided. Had I not experienced many previous healings, this sudden freedom might have astounded me. I understood God’s message.

With love, nothing shall be impossible. Not even keeping our God-given democracy. It is up to us to live and protect the freedom we have and adore. It is up to us to speak out for truth, for everything right, fair, just, and to expose falsehoods. It is up to us to replace feeling fearful with feeling love and gratitude for the good God gives us daily. It is our duty to stand for what is good and God-like–to express love no matter what metaphorical volcanic mountain erupts in our face. As offspring of Love, the one good God, love is our true abode and expression. Expressing, understanding more fully this love, leaves us with no time to fret or fear. Time spent in turning prayerfully, contemplatively, to our Creator–and listening to what He/She would have us think and do–leads to solutions. Then good ideas come which we can act upon as impersonal Truth directs. This maintains our equanimity. Then we see what is really going on–not mortal trepidation, but God’s spiritual ever presence.  Focused in faith–even if but a grain of it–fear loses its power over us.

God will not abandon you. With God nothing shall be impossible.


Contemplation, oil, 24” x 24” $975, by Gwendolyn Evans

Contemplation, oil, 24” x 24” $975, by Gwendolyn Evans

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